Yusaf mack porn gay video

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In its own statement, DawgPound USA claimed Mack knew what he was doing in the film. “At no time have we ever coerced or drugged any of our models,” the statement read, according to a Daily Mail report. But the apology seemed to have been prompted by threats of legal action against the boxer made by the gay porn studio, which reportedly paid him $4,500 for his appearance in the video. In an extensive statement, Mack apologized to DawgPound USA for lying and came out as bisexual.

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He said he had received an offer via Facebook to do porn with female performers and didn’t remember filming with the men. After he was identified by fans, Mack claimed he had been given “a pill and vodka” and blacked out before filming, according to multiple media reports. The Mack video shows the boxer having sex with two men. Yusaf Mack, a 35-year-old boxer from Philadelphia who had a promising professional career before quitting during a losing streak several years ago, said he was completely aware of his surroundings during the filming of an explicit video for DawgPound USA, a porn studio that has produced videos featuring men-of-color since 2002. A Pennsylvania boxer who claimed last week that he was drugged before he performed in a gay porn film said Monday he had fabricated the story to cover up that he is bisexual.

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